No days passed when you might not use a kind of technology, whether it’s software or a phone app to communicate visually with another person at a distance. It is not surprising that business trips have been reduced in the last two years. We live in a digital, online world. We’ve experienced private or work-related experiences through online meetings or calls with coworkers and friends.
The power of WizIQ Virtual Meetings v/s Video Conferencing Tool can help build better connections with each other and create connections with colleagues and associates that weren’t possible even just a few decades prior.
Let’s take a look at the advantages of virtual meetings and video conferencing.
Greater Engagement Between Participants
Because participants can see each other when they are in video calls, these meetings require a greater level of focus than what’s required in a call that is audio-only.
The interaction and engagement that occur during a video conference can help participants build more intimate relationships, even between people who haven’t met yet. Video conferencing gives the impression that the participants are within the same space.
Improves Communications
The study discovered that 62 percent of executives believed that video conference (when compared to the audio conference) greatly enhances the quality of communication.
Instead of enduring the stress of long email chains, in which intention and meaning can get lost, participants in meetings can discern important visual clues, such as gestures of the face and physique that are shared by others.
In addition, video calls typically are scheduled to have specific start and end timeframes. This means that the participants engage in less chatter and are more likely to stay attentive and focused on the agenda of the meeting.
Improves Attendance
Video calls allow for people who live far away to join meetings. In addition, virtual meetings capabilities allow anyone who requires the information to have it easily accessible. If they are unable to attend or want to go over it to gain a bit more clarity then they can. It’s a video. Play it and then pull it up.
Video Conferencing Is Good For Employees
Today’s employees are adamant about mobility, flexibility, and new methods of communication over the solitude of private offices.
Virtual meetings allow employees and remote workers to one another, increasing the productivity of both groups while reducing the cost of travel. Due to the reduced travel, employees will be able to achieve more balance between work and life.
Video Conferencing Etiquette
Video conferences have been on the increasing trend for quite a while. There has been an increase in the amount of video conferencing software. This is not surprising because it lowers the cost of travel and makes projects more efficient and with less effort, and also improves the communication among team members.
Companies today rely on WizIQ to effectively connect their workforce virtually and increase collaboration between remote teams. When employees work collaboratively, they will find their goals in organisations that can help increase productivity.